Thursday, March 29, 2012

God is in Control

When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.” (Proverbs 28:2, NLT)

Well its time for another election and the rhetoric is at an all time high. As the verse in proverbs states, a nation with wise and knowledgeable leaders has stability. Please don't get caught up in the chaos and the negativism that surrounds these modern elections. We as believers need to pray for our leaders no matter the letter designation after their name. Romans 13:1 states that God is in control of the appointments of leaders. He is in control and we need to seek His face while we pray, and that our nation would repent and seek the Lord. Pray there would be a revival in these last days where the church would be a shining light, a gathering of peacemakers who are pointing people to Jesus.

Now, I don’t mean by this that we don't do our civic duty and vote; we just don’t have to get involved in the part of politics that has tarnished our nation. It is important to be educated so we can vote well. As believers we can be a part of this process and bring civility and the love of Jesus to it. God is in control, so please pray for our leaders at all levels. Pray they would have wisdom, and pray for their salvation.

Love you church...


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