Sunday, August 21, 2011

A faithful Servant

We see in Genesis 24, Abraham asks his oldest servant Eliezer to run an errand. This is no ordinary errand, he asks him to go to a place he probably has never been, be around people he doesn't know, and by the way bring back a bride for my son Isaac not to mention specifically a bride from his father’s house. Today’s response would be, “yea right” or flat out “you’re crazy”. You see Elizer wasn't just a servant, not just the oldest servant, he was a faithful servant.

In this story we see some characteristics of a faithful servant in the life of Elizer, first we see that a faithful servant is trustworthy, in verse 10 he loads ten camels full of expensive gifts. He was entrusted with this wealth, because Abraham knew he would take good care of it. We also see that a faithful servant is faithful, after the camels were loaded it says “he traveled”, there was no waiting, he took the step of faith required for this task. Next we see he was prayerful, when Elizer got to the town he prayed in verse 12. It is important to remain prayerful to know God’s direction and you can’t do that without prayer. The fourth characteristic is that he was patient. Even when Elizer sees that Rebekah may be the one, he waits and watches in silence in verse 21. Lastly, we see that a faithful servant is focused, when Laben asks him to stay in verse 56 he says “Don’t delay me”.

As a servant of the Lord, what a wonderful sound it will be to hear our Jesus say well done good and faithful servant. I think the story of Elizer shows us a few traits of a faithful servant; be trustworthy with whats been entrusted to you, Be faithful and take steps of faith, be prayerful and seek the Lord’s plan, be patient, and be focused on your calling.



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