Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Who Am I?

“Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?
2 Samuel 7:18(NLT)

After all David had gone through, the triumphs of battles, standing before giants, and being a king, he had the humility to say “who am I”. I love this statement; during the tough times when you think you’re wronged or are feeling slighted, don't try to justify yourself or defend yourself, but instead say “who am I Lord “. How about when you want to do something or you have your own plans but you get a clear “no” from God. Can you sit back and say “who am I God?”

You see, David says this after finding out that he would not be the one building the temple. This is something that was on his heart to do. He was looking at his cedar palace and thought that the Lord needed to have something better than a tent for the tabernacle. But he gets a no, you will not to be the one to build My house.

You see, "Who am I" is a healthy question; David knew his position in the kingdom. Unhealthy questions can derail you and stumble you. God is sovereign and allows things to happen, nothing happens outside His will. There was another man in the scriptures that questioned God, declared his innocence, and questioned why the wicked prospered. His name was Job, after some struggles with his friends, God comes down in whirlwind and starts questioning Job. Here are a few questions God Asks Job
“Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorant words?”
“Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east?” Who are we to question God’s wisdom...

Basically, who am I to question God’s sovereignty, who am I to question God’s plan, and who am I to be dissatisfied with God. I know its tough sometimes but when the unhealthy questions come up, you may not have an answer, but you can have a peace with the statement “who am I.”

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