Sunday, October 30, 2011

Be patient, be decisive

In Leviticus 24:12 we see a man in which during a fight blasphemes the name of God. What is important to see here is it says ”They kept the man in custody until the Lord’s will in the matter should become clear to them”. The people could have reacted in the passion of the moment and condemned this man, but was this the Lord’s will?Often we act in emotion or we act in haste with our decisions. We think we are acting in a manner that honors the Lord but in retrospect we can often see that our flesh was used as a rudder to steer our decisions in a way that can often further complicate things.

We see this in the book of Acts when the disciples took matters in their own hands to select Matthias. They did pray, but were they asked to replace Judas? These men were trained by Jesus and we never see Him cast lots to discern God’s will. These quick choices to do the Lord’s work can be dangerous.

It is important to know the Lord’s will and like in Leviticus 24 to wait and make sure the direction is clear. In most instances you have time, so take your emotions, thoughts, and desires into custody and be obedient to the clear will of God.

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